Sell And Teach Magic To More People In 2 Hours Than You Ever Have Before

No Charge No Commitment.

Has This Ever Happened To You

  • You were promised a large crowd and 2 people showed up.
  • The promoter filled the room but it was the size of a broom closet.
  • You spent more on gas and meal than you made at the lecture

We Have The Solution

  • Guaranteed Audience. Your minimum audience size is guaranteed.
  • There is no crowding or overcrowding to make the audience feel artificially larger
  • Your gas and meal expenditure is zero because you can do this from the comfort of your home.
  • Easy purchasing for attendees

We have more ways to help you monetize your lecture/presentation/performance than we can count. Here are some presentations Square Circle Productions has produced

Imagine this

  • Access to thousands of new magicians
  • Being on the Cover of an International Magic Magazine
  • Giving Your Virtual Presentation to Hundreds, not Tens
  • Productions of Video and Print Advertisement
  • Product Placement for your products in other magic lectures
  • Having someone else sell your product with no effort on your part
  • Getting your Ad Creation
  • Having New Video products Created for almost no effort
  • Have your products produced

These are only a few of the ways we can help you monetize your magic

Here are some of the people we have helped make more money with their magic

  • Adam Wilber
  • John Carey
  • Matt Fore
  • The Other Brothers
  • Scott Alexander
  • Jamie Salinas
  • Carrisa Hendrix
  • Peter Nardi
  • James Chartier
  • Dean Hankey

Add your name to this all-star list

Manufactured You create we produce

No Charge not Commitment

What they say

“JD was an absolute breeze to work with. He had an amazing group of over 200 attendees. Hands down one of the easiest online lectures I’ve done.” – Adam Wilber

Wow, that was so much fun today! I had a blast and the boys are spending like crazy on my merchandise! Thank you so much for everything you do JD. – John Carey

“It was a pleasure to present my lecture online with JD Stewart and the New Magic Academy. His promotional effort brought in a big crowd, and a responsive, appreciative group. I have received numerous messages from people expressing their thanks and asking great follow-up questions. It was a good opportunity to grow my following, gain subscribers, and earn some lecture sales as well.” – Ryan Pilling

“I had the pleasure of working with JD Stewart on a virtual lecture. My lecture topic was Speak With Your Magic which is not the usual teach-a-trick lecture. Even still Mr. Stewart booked the lecture and promoted Speak With your Magic to his members. His whole process was seamless and professional. I loved working with JD Stewart and would highly recommend the service he offers because it’s a true win-win situation for everyone involved.” – Eric Anderson

I had a great experience with JD Stewart’s Academy of Magic. There was a huge turnout of around 150 folks. As I taught numerous effects the crowd was very receptive and asked insightful questions. The orders flooded in after and I’m still receiving compliments. Thank you, JD for your forum and the opportunity. -Diamond Jim Tyler

Hey JD. Thanks for having me! I had a great time. You were a great host and made me feel very welcome right from the start. I have already made many sales and it’s only been 5 minutes since I finished the lecture. That is great! – Nikolas Mavresis